The concept of mindfulness--becoming aware of the present moment--is moving beyond the yoga studio and into an array of other areas. From the tech sphere to the operating table,  professionals are benefitting from the act of slowing down and tuning in. Mindfulness can help your team be more productive, experience fewer conflicts and even take less sick days.  Businesses are signing on to foster more mindfulness in the workplace and create a healthier office environment. The effects are far-reaching, and not just for employee morale. When the health insurance company Aetna began offering yoga and mindfulness programs to their employees, the company's health care costs fell by 7.3 percent (a savings of $9 million). 

I offer interactive, informative and engaging workshops, all of which include a simple mindfulness exercise or technique for staff to use on their own. Topics include: 

  • Mindfulness in the WorkplaceThis workshop provides an overview of mindfulness, a discussion of where unconscious, patterned behaviors show up at work and offers techniques for adding more mindfulness into common work tasks.
  • Vicarious Traumatization and Burnout: Specifically geared towards direct service professionals or those who interact closely with victims of trauma, this workshop provides an overview of PTSD and vicarious trauma, discusses the warning signs and risk factors for burnout and a collaborative brainstorm on mindful coping strategies.   
  • Trauma and Stress: Mind Body Connections: To help participants understand the physiological connections between stress and the body, this workshop provides an overview of somatic symptoms triggered by stress, common areas where tension is held in the body and techniques to help ease it. 
  • Mindful Listening: Building better communication between colleagues, supervisors and upper-level management requires a foundation of listening skills. This workshop will teach participants to listen in a unique way and challenge them to become more in touch with their reactions to the speaker. 

I can also customize presentations for your offices’ needs. Contact me to talk more.